Blender suddenly stops or fails to start during work

If the road mixer stops suddenly during work, the reasons may be:


(1) The oversize material has been entered into the mixer, and the mixing shaft cannot be operated due to the blockage of the large material. Therefore, aggregates that do not meet the specifications should be prevented from entering the mixing system. 94 mm has been added to the aggregate batching system of the machine × 100 mm grid plate to block oversize feeds.


(2) When starting up, the operation should be strictly in order. After the unloading belt conveyor is started, the mixer is started, and finally the feeding system is started. If the feeding system is started first, or the feeding speed is too fast at the beginning of work, the mixer will start with a load, which will cause it to fail to start.


(3) The two rubber side walls of the mixer are not closed tightly. Due to the potential danger of the rotating part of the mixer, multiple protection devices are provided. If the two rubber side walls of the mixer are not closed tightly, the system will not work by itself.


(4) The emergency stop button was actuated by mistake. If the road brake accidentally touches the emergency stop button during work, or if the button is pressed because of an emergency, the whole machine will be emergency braked. When restarting, the mixer must be emptied manually first, otherwise the mixer cannot be started at full load.


点击次数:439  更新时间:2020-11-14