600 hp cold recycler RZ2300 delivered to users

    On March 16, our company delivered a 600 horsepower mechanical transmission cold regeneration machine RZ2300 to customers. The purchaser has previously owned multiple cold road recycling machines, but it is difficult to achieve the desired construction effect for the cold recycling of high-grade domestic roadbeds, and an appropriate high-end cold recycling machine is urgently needed. The user started the inspection as early as last year. Compared with various types of domestic cold recycling machines, I think that the mechanical transmission cold recycling machine RZ2300 produced by our company has reliable performance and high comprehensive working performance, and signed an intent order with our company. After the Spring Festival, after careful assembly and debugging by our company, the machine has been delivered to the construction site.



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点击次数:883  更新时间:2015-03-16