Jiangsu Road cold recycler construction

         Recently, a 600-horsepower mechanical transmission cold recycler RZ2300 produced by our company was constructed in Nantong Development Zone. The project department initially had doubts about domestic equipment and was worried about not doing well. Our customers promised to the project department that they could guarantee the quality and not reach it. Ask not to rent. Construction of the cold regeneration test section was completed on the morning of June 5. The normal coring should be more than 7 days. Due to the tight schedule of the project, the project department decided to take the coring in advance, and also held unsuccessful preparations for the core. The cores of the test section constructed by our company's pavement cold recycling machine were all successful and reached the requirement of 20cm, while the two imported machines WR2500S in the other test sections generally had core lengths of only 17cm and 3cm scattered Cannot take a complete core sample.


         Guaranteeing the successful coring, this is the quality assurance of domestic machinery, and also the proof of the rich construction experience of our customers.


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点击次数:957  更新时间:2016-06-17