Performance advantages of road mixer

Since 2013, benefiting from the performance advantages of Ruima Heavy Industries road mixers, the road mixers produced by Ruima Heavy Industries have grown significantly in the Hefei market. A Hefei user made products for our company and other companies Contrast, summarized several advantages of our company's road mixer:

    The first advantage is the fast working speed. Among the several companies with sales performance in Hefei, Ruima Road has the fastest working speed. Many attentive users already know this. In the construction site rented by month, the working speed of the machine is generally not pursued. Several different brands of machines work together at similar speeds. Users who don't care may not understand the advantages of Ruima machines, but even at the same working speed, The working pressure of Rima Road Mix is the smallest. The working pressure of other machines is 18-20MPa. The Rima machine runs at the same speed, the pressure is only 13-14MPa. After long-term work, the machine loss of Rima Road Mix is minimal. Working speed, the speed of sharp road mixing must be the fastest.

    The second advantage is that the machine has low noise. Users have made comparisons in the cabs of different brands of machines, and the number of noises in the cabs of the sharp road mixing is the smallest. The engine sound of other brands of machines is significantly louder, even the sound of hoarseness can be sharp. The sound of the road mixing engine is very soft, and users find it strange that different brands of road mixing engines use the same engine, which are all Chongqing Cummins, but the sound is different. It is not accidental that the noise of the Rui Road Mixer is small, this is the embodiment of the overall optimization design of the Rui Road Mixer.

    The third advantage is that the sharp road mixes exquisite workmanship and the hydraulic pipelines are neatly arranged, unlike other manufacturers' random mess.

    The fourth advantage is fuel saving. A Hefei user rented a WBZ23 mid-range road mixer to Yan'an and dried it for two months. The project department calculated that our road mixer was one day more than another brand of road mixer. It can save 80-90 liters of diesel and save more than 10,000 yuan a month. This is the statistics of regular construction companies. In 2012, a construction site in Dongying, Shandong, also made comparisons. The dry-lime work was done with our company's 400 cold recycler, and the fuel consumption was significantly lower. The following year, we also rented it. The road mixer of our company is similar to the cold recycle machine in terms of system design. Fuel saving is a common feature of our products. At present, most of the extensively managed construction sites have not yet evaluated the oil consumption of the machine. Many users have not realized the biggest performance advantage of Ruima Road Mixer, but energy saving and consumption reduction are the continuous pursuit of various industries. Refined management, this performance advantage of Ruima mixer will be more and more users and construction units agree.


点击次数:551  更新时间:2014-06-30