Road cold recycler construction in Chengdu, Sichuan


Chengdu Cold Recycling Construction

In June 2014, our company's cold recycling machine entered Sichuan for the first time. The first to enter Sichuan was a 600-horsepower WR2300L cold recycler, which was purchased from our company by Henan Longyu Engineering Company in 2011. It has been working for nearly four years and the machine is still in good condition. The cold regeneration project is the road reconstruction project of Tangtai Road in Shexian County. The major repair of the subgrade adopts the cold regeneration process. Tangtai Road is a water-stable subgrade structure. Unlike most areas in East China, there are a lot of pebbles under the subgrade, which will cause great wear on the milling rotor. If the machine is not equipped with a heavy-duty rotor that can be dismantled, this project It is impossible to do it, the wear of the tool is very large, and the gear sleeve is also subject to large wear. Under the leadership of the high manager, the construction team was praised by the management in both the construction speed and the quality of the construction, eliminating the contractor's initial doubts about domestic equipment.

The adjacent Shaxi line is also doing cold recycling projects. Since it was the same contract engineering company that also won one of the roads, this cold recycling unit was transferred to a test section. It took 7560 square meters for two days. This is normal. Construction speed. There is an imported WR2000 in the adjacent bidding section, which can only do 1800-2000 square meters a day. Both the owner, the construction manager and other supporting machinery are dissatisfied with the work speed, and even the opinions of the migrant workers who sprayed cement are very large. Because their wages are also settled on a square basis, they want more than they can get. The project department coordinated our WR2300L to play for a while, and the actual verification speed was indeed faster. The project department has determined that it cannot blindly respect imported machines. Domestic machines may also outperform imported machines. Soon, the project department signed a contract with the user, refunded WR2000, and rented our machine. We recommend a speed faster than WR2300L. Fast mechanical transmission RZ2300 cold recycler.

At the end of June, the RZ2300 cold-recycling machine entered the construction site, demonstrating the excellent working performance of domestic cold-recycling machines. The technical director of the project department boasted sincerely that domestically-made machines are really necessary, and our Chinese-made machines are also very good.



点击次数:453  更新时间:2014-07-07